8 misconceptions about sex many men have

You make love regularly. You may think that you know everything about sex. Wrong. Even parents of many children have misconceptions about sex. Sometimes these misconceptions can undermine your sex pleasure. You must have right idea about sex. Check if you knew those:
- The penis alone can hardly give a woman orgasm. Most of the women don’t get an orgasm from only penile intercourse. This happens regardless of how big or small the penis a man has or how long he lasts in bed.
2. Many women get orgasm only touching their clitoris. In fact, the clitoris is the female counterpart of the penis. It has 6000 to 8000 nerves which are similar to the penis head. Men touch the clitoris only as a part of foreplay.
3. The majority of men have a normal penis although very few men are satisfied with their penis size. The world average penis size is 5,2 inches. 1 inch shorter or longer does not make a big difference. Women are not as concerned about their penis size as men are. You can’t increase the size a lot. You don’t need it either.
4. Women arouse sexually as much as men do. Women get increased blood flows to their genitals the same way men do. Both men and women enjoy sex when they are fully engorged. A woman’s vagina is hot, wet and spongy when she is fully engorged. The woman becomes engorged when a man does effective foreplay
5. Using lubricants for sex is a good idea. Women have natural lubricant. But if you want to touch anus, lubricants are necessary. Touching clitoris with lubricant is a good idea, too.
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6. Anal sex is not as popular among women as it seems in pornography. There are a lot of sensitive nerves in the anus. Anal sex could both pleasurable and painful. Many women fear anal sex. They expect their male partners to use lubricants and take it slow. If you are a man and like anal sex, then you must talk to your female partner, understand her concerns and act accordingly.
7. Watching soft porn does not harm anything. It never creates a sexual problem as many fear. But take pornography as entertainment not for educational purposes. In real life, not many like that you ejaculate on their face. They are not glad to swallow sperm.
8. During sex, vulgar words like “fuck” excite partners more than romantic words. Fucking is more exciting than making love