Exercise causes shrinkage of the penis

During a workout your penis shrinks; it remains small for some minutes after exercise. You cannot avoid noticing that. You are not alone in this. It happens to most of the people,
Do you need to worry about it? Does the penis become small permanently because of exercise?
The penis gets its normal size after some time. But experts think that the penis becomes permanently smaller if you grow too many muscles.
Muscles require all the blood:
The work physiology explains the shrinkage of the penis. When your muscles require excessive oxygen during work out. Your body, therefore, delivers extra blood to working muscles stopping circulating blood to other parts of the body, for example, your penis. It is not just your penis but also your belly is affected. Body parts that are not working don’t get blood. During work out, testicles also become small.
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As soon as you start work out in the gym, your muscles start working. Muscles need both oxygen and nourishment during work out. Your brain registers the demand of muscles and sends signals to blood vessels that pull blood from other places and deliver blood to muscles. When you run, your leg muscles need blood, not the penis.
When muscles need oxygen, blood vessels expand in required areas. In this way blood flow increases. You can notice expanded blood vessels on your penis surface when your penis is ready to work.
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Your hand and fingers can become cold during exercise. Our bodies have a certain quantity of blood which is required to deliver oxygen everywhere. The workout is a special situation when the body cannot keep flowing blood equally everywhere. That’s why it delivers blood to body parts that are working.
Let me give an analogy. You get a salary when you work. You don’t get money if you don’t work. When your legs work it gets blood; your penis does not get.
It is a little depressing to look at your penis after work out. The exercise can help to develop your body parts except for your penis. The shrinking of the penis is just temporary. But you don’t want to see your penis so small after work out; you have to take a Viagra which can secure blood flow even under work out. But it is not recommended at all.